Digital Bodyscape 76-3


Digital Bodyscape 76-3 explores the meaning and its relationship between the digital world as a place and the avatar as the virtual body. An avatar mimics the artist's body as it is to present Lee's representative performance Bodyscape, which has been known for “a manifestation of a body,” “the method of drawing,” or “body drawing.” Representing Bodyscape in the digital world allows the artist to open up the possibility of various interpretations of the relationship between painting and the body, given the work that unveils the process by which the body perceives the subject in a self-referential way. Along with it, the work attempts to deconstruct the artist-centered view and explore new meanings of the work-audience interaction by letting the users, or visitors, choose the color of the work. “Changing my reaction to different environments and phenomena can lead to different methods or forms … My art, in the end, is a process to reach a point of intercommunity with others.” ─ Lee Kun-Yong An Excerpt from A Conversation with the Artist at the National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art Korea on December 31, 2020 Digital Bodyscape 76-3, presented on the Klaytn blockchain network, will be reborn as a total of 1976 artworks to coincide with the year when Bodyscape 76-3 series presented for the first time in 1976. Each work is given a color selected by the user or viewer while having a different appearance with elements randomly applied according to a computer algorithm. For NFT holders, please press COMPLETE ARTWORKS button.
